Research and Development services

We provide contract-based research and development services with focus on state-of-the-art electronics mainly in the area of signal processing, FPGA, high frequencies and high data rates.

Our research activities are focused on:

TEMPEST – electric field, magnetic field, electromagnetic waves, signal reconstruction, detection, improvement of SNR, digital filtering, correlation analysis, low noise amplifiers, high sensitivity antennas, test instruments

Radar – ultra-low phase noise oscillators, high dynamic range receivers, impulse transmitters, high stability clocks and time standards

TSCM and EW – fast frequency scanning, detection of spread spectrum signal, signal analysis and classification, signal generation and simulation, EMP detection and protection

GNSS – time synchronisation, spatial filtering, beam forming and nulling, smart antenna, spread spectrum signal processing, interference mitigation

Most of our R&D projects are focused on development of specific complete products some others are focused just on a particular problem.

We deliver feasibility studies, software, firmware, FPGA design, electronic design, mechanical design, prototypes and test and measurements. We can help with certifications and we provide consulting services in the above fields.

We cooperate with Czech technical university in Prague, Univer- sity of defence in Brno and Brno University of Technology.

Examples of recent R&D project